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Earn Money Through Internet: FREE! Internet Marketing Course Earn Money Through Internet: Affiliate Mindset - How to Have the Right One By Shane Lang

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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Affiliate Mindset - How to Have the Right One By Shane Lang

Before you get started in starting your Affiliate Marketing business you will need to have the right mindset before you can be successful. I'll show you some pointers on how to obtain that right mindset.

Make your purpose to help people in your niche.

You need to help people in your niche, to understand them, to know their pain. Help provide them with the solution to their problems so that they will see you not as a marketer but as a helpful and caring adviser.

By giving them poor quality services/products or just plain lying to them will make them lose their trust in you and then you will lose them as a customer.

This is a business, NOT a hobby.

You need to treat your business as a business and treat it seriously. You will need to take action every day. Keep records of your income and expenses. Don't do one campaign and expect to retire from it the next day.

Have a working schedule.

This is when you need to take some time aside and work with no distractions. Clean your desk, turn off the TV, close down Facebook and tell your family this is your time to work and you are not to be disturbed.

You need to be able to focus and do at least one thing, preferably more at a time. Complete that one thing then spend time to relax for a bit or play with the kids or whatever. Just make sure to focus on the task you have given yourself to do.

Be consistent in what you do. Take action everyday to keep the momentum going. Once you stop, it will be that much harder in getting started again and getting motivation.

Work smarter and work harder than the next guy.

You will want to work more than your competitor and you will bring in more sales for your business. By working smarter and harder you will be far better off than most others who are lazy and will only want to do the bare minimum.

By working harder means if your competitor writes an article a week, you write five. If he has twenty back links, go out and get a hundred.

By working smarter you will want to outsource some work to others. If you're no good at writing articles, get someone else to do them. If you're not good at designing websites then pay someone else to do that as well.

Remember this is a business and you can't be everything and do everything. Don't make that mistake of thinking you can.

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